The poorest 10% accounted for just 0.5% and the wealthiest 10% accounted for 59% of all the consumption.
consumption without reducing use is a costly delusion. If undeveloped
countries consumed at the same rate as the |
· Americans constitute 5% of the world's population but consume 24% of the world's energy.
· On average, one American consumes as much energy as
o 2 Japanese
o 6 Mexicans
o 13 Chinese
o 31 Indians
o 128 Bangladeshis
o 307 Tanzanians
o 370 Ethiopians
The population is projected to increase by
nearly 130 million people - the equivalent of adding another four states the
size of
· Forty percent of births are unintended.
· Americans eat 815 billion calories of food each day - that's roughly 200 billion more than needed - enough to feed 80 million people.
· Americans throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily.
· The average American generates 52 tons of garbage by age 75.
· The average individual daily consumption of water is 159 gallons, while more than half the world's population lives on 25 gallons.
· Fifty percent of the wetlands, 90% of the northwestern old-growth forests, and 99% of the tall-grass prairie have been destroyed in the last 200 years.
· Eighty percent of the corn grown and 95% of the oats are fed to livestock.
· Fifty-six percent of available farmland is used for beef production.
· Every day an estimated nine square miles of rural land are lost to development.
· There are more shopping malls than high schools.
Percent of World Total
· 250 million people have died of hunger-related causes in the past quarter-century — roughly 10 million each year.
· 700 to 800 million people, perhaps even as many as a billion, don't get enough food to support normal daily activities
· 1.7 billion people lack access to clean drinking water, and by the year 2000, the number of urban dwellers without access to safe water and sanitation services is expected to grow by 80%.
· 0.1% of pesticides applied to crops reaches the pest, the rest poisons the ecosystem.
· Each year 25 million people are poisoned by pesticides in less developed countries, and over 20,000 die.
· One-third of the world's fish catch and more than one-third of the world's total grain output is fed to livestock.
· It takes an average of 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat in modern Western farming systems. It takes 5,214 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef.
· Each person in the industrialized world uses as much commercial energy as 10 people in the developing world.
source: Paul Ehrlich and the Population Bomb
The population problem isn't just a matter of the number of people. People consume food, fresh water, wood, minerals, and energy as we go about our daily lives. And producing food, pumping groundwater, harvesting wood, mining minerals, and burning fuel all deplete our resource base.
One indicator of environmental impact is to measure our energy consumption. As much of our energy is consumed and depleted, it also is increasing pollution. And unlike a lot of environmental factors that are hard to measure, we have very precise records of how much energy is being consumed each year by each country of the world. So we can estimate how much environmental impact each country creates.
Country |
When you click on one of the countries at right, you'll see how that country
compares to the
You may be surprised to see how much energy people consume... but remember that we're not just looking at their electricity bills! Every time you buy something, you're also buying all the energy that was used to produce that thing. Every time you pay your taxes, you're paying for photocopies, business trips, and air conditioning in government offices. In fact, on average, every time anyone spends an American dollar, the energy equivalent of half a liter of oil is burned to produce what that dollar buys!
Why single out the
Why are we focusing on the
How much energy does the average American consume? Well, if you list the
countries of the world in order by their population (as we've done in the graph
above), the
That's why we've singled out the
The purpose of this exercise isn't to blame people in rich countries for wasting energy, because for the most part they don't know they're doing it. It's not to say each person in a poor country is as poor as every other person in that country, because there are rich and poor people in every country. And it's not to imply that all we need to do is consume less energy and everything will be OK. The point is that the population problem isn't just something "over there" in "those poor countries," where they may be having more children. From a consumption perspective, the developed countries have a bigger population growth problem than the developing countries!
Next time you hear about a woman in
Data courtesy of BP, "Statistical Review of World Energy 2007;" and Wikipedia (compiled from various sources), 2007.
Here's how much meat the average American consumed, by type, in 2007:
Chicken: 84.9 pounds
Beef: 63.5 pounds
Pork: 48.2 pounds
Lamb and Mutton: 1 pound
Source: National Turkey Federation:
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